Social media goal

 In every work there must be a goal. Digital marketing is not other than. Goals must be a smart goal. That will help us to create a realistic path to success. Smart goal means... 

S= specific, that means what we plan to deliver. M= measurable, that means to identify how we will get success which will help to keep us in track. 

A= attainable, means to keep our goal realistic and possible for both ourselves and our team member to reach.

R = relevant, goals must be relevant to our mission.

T= timely goals, goals must be on timely. Its very important for achieve goal. 

For example increase customer satisfaction score to 90% this year. Which is measurable, attainable and relevant goal. It help to set to out goals and a target date to help us motivated. Its also need to know KPI. It helps to know what is our sell, review, followers etc. There are four categories of KPI. 

Reach: that can be measure 

- How is our followers

- How often constant is viewed

- How many times our products has mentioned

- How many people have talking about our brand.

Engagement : It contains how many people has taking action and relation with our brand. 

- Likes or favorite

- Comments 

- Sharing and retweets

- Rating and reviews 

Return on investment: 

- Direct sales from social media

- Leads conventions from social campaigns

- Support cost per customer

- Lifetime value

Return and loyalty: If our service is satisfactory there must be 

- Some reviews which help to know what is 

thinking our customers about our products.

- Issues resolved, which reflects what is their 

complains and take to resolve.

- Service level agreement reflects where customers are passes time about. 


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