Buyers persona

 Buyer persona means details of o buyer. Its helps to determine who is our ideal customer. In digital marketing we have to know who are our real buyer. What are their basic need, age, gender, language, like dislikes, language, earning etc. Why they have come and what they want. If they prefer to buy products from store or by computer of their mobiles. If we don’t providing for them, they will go anywhere. For these reasons there must be need a buyer persona. Personas are developed on the based on persons demographics and behavior. Personas helps in which product we have to develop. We can decide the best tone for the content that they are expect. Example of a buyer persona: 

Suzy who is our customer. She is 25 years old, like to listen music over mobile. She works with a multinational company. Everyday she wakes up early in the morning. Go to gym for exercise, after taking breakfast she goes to her office. In her job she has good performance. Have a good salary, she loves to do shopping from online. For these she is involved with different social media. From this sights she like to collect information. She is a real buyer and decision maker. 


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