
Showing posts from August, 2020

Why Twitter List Option is so Much Important for Content Curation & Follower Growth?

  Twitter is an important platform of social media networking. A Twitter list is simply a curated group of Twitter users that allows us to efficiently organize our users in various groups and to better manage our tweets.  By creating ouro wn list, we can easily follow the tweets of specific groups of users separate from the ones that we follow.  If we want to create content and grow our followers Twitter list is mandatory. Because--- By creating lists we can organize events and manage them. We can enlist our competitors. We can know about the users who retweet us. We also can enlist our favorite conversationalists.  We can highlight our different offerings 

How Twitter will help you to Promote your Fiverr Gigs

  Tweeter is an important platform to promote Fiverr Gig. It is a sector of social media networking. Tweeter helps to get some clicks and get new customers or buyers. Benefits of tweeter are given below--- Help to get new order Targeting people who are interested in my work By hashtags we can easily promote our Gig By tweeter account buyer can know our work details Its help to increase enrichment Helps to create traffic We have to use our fiverr account link in our tweeter account description. If we use link in our post some buyers would not take it positive way. So we must to be careful about this

outbound marketing

  Outbound marketing is opposite approach from inbound marketing. In outbound marketing pushes products and services on customers. In this marketing communication is one way based. It does not make direct relations with customers. Customers can know about products via TV, cold calls or radio. This marketing provide less value or no value. It is powered by budget and repetition. Finally outbound marketing is not human respective.

Inbound marketing

  A business need a successful inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is a strategy which is based on helping people. It is an approach of doing business more human and customer centered. Now a days buyers have all the powers. So customers are very important to our business. A buyer have more information about our product, industry and more competition. Inbound is a better way to sell, increase market. We can make research about customers what are they thinking, feeling through massaging via email. This is the best way to build relation between buyer and seller. We can use customers experience in our business. For this we can also make a Facebook post where customers can express their problems  and we can solve them timely. We can also make websites to solve different problems. For these people can know how we represent us how we are helpful to the customers. That will work us as reviews. We have to help people as a human not just a number. Because all customers are individually importan

Buyers persona

  Buyer persona means details of o buyer. Its helps to determine who is our ideal customer. In digital marketing we have to know who are our real buyer. What are their basic need, age, gender, language, like dislikes, language, earning etc. Why they have come and what they want. If they prefer to buy products from store or by computer of their mobiles. If we don’t providing for them, they will go anywhere. For these reasons there must be need a buyer persona. Personas are developed on the based on persons demographics and behavior. Personas helps in which product we have to develop. We can decide the best tone for the content that they are expect. Example of a buyer persona:  Suzy who is our customer. She is 25 years old, like to listen music over mobile. She works with a multinational company. Everyday she wakes up early in the morning. Go to gym for exercise, after taking breakfast she goes to her office. In her job she has good performance. Have a good salary, she loves to do shoppi

Social media goal

  In every work there must be a goal. Digital marketing is not other than. Goals must be a smart goal. That will help us to create a realistic path to success. Smart goal means...  S= specific, that means what we plan to deliver. M= measurable, that means to identify how we will get success which will help to keep us in track.  A= attainable, means to keep our goal realistic and possible for both ourselves and our team member to reach. R = relevant, goals must be relevant to our mission. T= timely goals, goals must be on timely. Its very important for achieve goal.  For example increase customer satisfaction score to 90% this year. Which is measurable, attainable and relevant goal. It help to set to out goals and a target date to help us motivated. Its also need to know KPI. It helps to know what is our sell, review, followers etc. There are four categories of KPI.  Reach: that can be measure  - How is our followers - How often constant is viewed - How many times our products has  ment

Why Graphic Design concept is important for Digital Marketing/ Marketers.

  Graphic design is an important tool in digital marketing. It is a way of visual presentation. It is also a art of communication. It is a best way to increase brand awareness to the customers. Graphic design also impacts on decision making. Here is some compelling reason why graphic design is important in digital marketing is given below  Build a unique identity : By using graphic design we can established our own unique style, tone and diffentiate from competitors.  Design speaks louder than words: Pictures are always effective than words. When we want to spread word about our company, our picture will speak for our business.  Boost the sell: By using graphic design we can increase our sell.  Create brand awareness : Design can express about a brand. So its become easy for creating brand awareness.  It’s a human nature. We like to see picture and it helps to recall thinks better than words. So graphic design is fundamental in digital marketing.

Ways of monetized Facebook

  1. For monetizing face book your page must  have 1000 followers 2. There must be add bank details for further  payment 3. There we can add different types of video, video link, photo etc. But it will be better if we create video by our-self. It will help to increase our followers and viewers 4. We can also use paid promotion system. It can help to increase of fan and followers. For this we must a credit card In these ways we can monetize our face book. Later Face book will sent us email if our account is monetized or not

Why does face book ad is so much important to promote your product or service?

  1. Most of the people use Facebook. So it is easy  to reach them. 2. It is cheapest and cost bearing process. 3. We can reach more people than organic ways 4. It is easy way to get lead from face book  advertising 5. It helps us to re-market to people who have  already interact with us. 

"Freelancing Career: Its Challenges & Success Ways."

  Freelancing is an attractive profession of the present time. It is a way of self employment. Here you are free to do your job. You don't have to commit to a single, long-term employer. Instead you can work independently for several companies or clients. Freelancing is not an easy task. For this you have to acquire knowledge on specific sectors where you want to build up your freelancing career, You have to read different types of articles, watch videos, take online training and so on.  In a freelancing career there you have to face some challenges. Because- No job security: In a freelancing career you are free to do your work. You have to do work with your clients. If your clients don’t have any work for you, then you can’t make money. Vague requests: In some cases, clients aren’t sure of their needs and goals and hope you can identify them. Other times, clients want to avoid offending you by being too direct in their instructions. Whether you’re writing blogs or designing logos

"How to Promote Your Fiverr Gigs? Share some tips & tricks."

  Fiverr is a big marketplace where people come to make money by using their knowledge and skill. One can build up his full-time career by it. It is a place where services are sold at a minimum price of $5. People can earn 90% more if they rank their fiverr gigs the correct way.  We all know it is wonderful to get sales, but just like any other business, one must advertise his services to be found. For this he must make up a gig. Some tricks and tips are given here Description about services: In which sector he may give service have to mention in his gig. Add keywords to Gig Title: Only one keyword included in the Gig Title can help increase the chance of his Gig being ranked. For Example; “I will be your business manager” Add Tags: In creating Gigs there must be some tags. These tags are to be used for entering keywords which buyers search for. Promote Gigs in social media: For getting work one can publish his Gig in social media like facebook, tweeter, instagram. Fiverr Gigs describ

Key steps in digital marketing

   1) Identify what customers want: Understanding customers needs before producing can help to fulfill an actual demand. For this we can interact with customers or use their previous feedback    2) Research & development: after identifying the basic needs we have to research from which place people are wants to buy mostly. For these we can provide our products to customers and interact with them. And also have to develop marketing process    3) Identifying potential buyers: all buyers are not real buyers. In this step we have to select some particular buyers who are really wants to buy Product we have to introduce it to the customers    4) proposing value: after creating brand awareness there must be a particular value of the product. According to customers demand products price can be adjust.  5) Increasing brand awareness: there is no mean if there is no brand awareness. when we produce a new .   6) crating utility: How the products can be used which kind of utility they can get

Why you want to do digital marketing? What is your aim and expectations?

 My name is Upama Majumder, from Chittagong, Bangladesh. I have passed BBA and MBA. Both in subject of Management. Now I am trying to get a job in Govt. or non-government institution. I have known about this course of digital marketing from my nearest one. She encouraged me to do this course. Though I have not enough idea about digital marketing. But I think I can build up my career by this. As I am married and not to able go anywhere at any time, I think I can earn some money by this digital marketing. For that I have not to go anywhere. I hope by this work I can get my personal satisfaction and can prove myself as an entrepreneur. Always I want to be self sufficient and love to take some challenging work. So digital marketing is the best ways to fulfil my aim and expectation. I wish I can be a successful freelancer.